Fun with AI - demonstatng some fun one can have with AI tools

The purpose of this site is to document some fun I had using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, the best known of which is ChatGPT. Constraints of time with my business, and studying a mathematics degree at the Open University mean I am not going to spend much time on the site, so apologies for the poor layout.


I asked ChatGPT three types of questions, most of which are related to STEM topics, and admittidly a some a bit obscure.
  1. Tell me the velocity of light in a vacuum, which I thought anyone knowing GCSE physics would know. I thought ChatGPT would get that right, but it only half managed it.
  2. Several questions on antennas an other STEM topics For anyone knowledgable about antennas, the questions and answers should be fairly obvious, but I appreciate not to most people, so a bit of background information is in order. The most basic antenna is a half-wave dipole, consisting of two wires of equal length, and electrical connections made in the middle. An electrical characteristic of this is the input impedance. For the half-wave dipole, this impedance is 73 + j 42.5 Ω (apologies to any mathmaticians reading this, would would write this as 73 + 42 i Ω). ChatGPT attempts to calculate this, gets it wrong, and despite hints, it keeps correcting itself, but still gets it wrong, giving values of 242.5 + j140 Ω, 73 + j26.4 Ω, 73 + j118.6 Ω, 73 + j14.3 Ω, all of which are wrong! There are some other STEM topics too, but it seems to muddle up infra-red from green, and gets a simple calculation wrong by a factor of 1000.
  3. Write me a story about two girls, Ann and Vanessa. I did not give it any more information than that. I expect anyone studying creating writing would cringe at this, but it's outside my area, but it seemed a bit of fun.
I posted on an amateur radio list back in 2023. Someone wrote