Fun with AI - Asking ChatGTP to write a story about Ann and Vanessa.

Can you write me a story at the friendship between Ann and Vanessa?

Once upon a time, in a small town, there were two girls named Ann and Vanessa. They both went to the same school and were in the same class. Ann was a quiet and reserved girl, while Vanessa was more outgoing and cheerful. Although they had different personalities, they quickly became friends.
Ann and Vanessa started to spend a lot of time together. They would often sit together during lunchtime and share stories about their families and hobbies. Ann loved to read books, while Vanessa enjoyed playing sports. They would often exchange books and teach each other about their interests.
As the years went by, Ann and Vanessa became inseparable. They would support each other through all the ups and downs of life. Whenever one of them was feeling down, the other would always be there to cheer them up.
One day, Ann's family moved to another town, and she had to say goodbye to Vanessa. Although they were sad to be apart, they promised to stay in touch and write letters to each other. And that's exactly what they did.
Ann and Vanessa kept in touch through letters and occasional phone calls. They shared stories about their new schools and friends and talked about their future dreams and plans. They supported each other through all the challenges that life threw their way.
Years passed, and Ann and Vanessa went their separate ways in life. They both got married and had families of their own. But they never forgot the bond they had shared as friends. They continued to write letters and occasionally met up in person to catch up on old times.
Today, Ann and Vanessa are still the best of friends, even though they live miles apart. They continue to support each other through the ups and downs of life and cherish the bond they share. Their friendship is a reminder that true friends are always there for each other, no matter where life takes them.